Oregon's Birds

Our latest and best photos of Oregon's Birds

We love to take pictures and show them to others.

American bittern B

American bittern C

Audobon Warbler

Bald Eagle


California quail A

California quail B

Cinammon Teal

Common snipe

Curlew A

Curlew B

Great horned owl A

Great horned owl B

House sparrow


Northern Harriors A

Northern Harriors B

Northern Shoveler

Pheasant A

Pheasant B

Pheasant C

Pheasant D

Red tail hawk

Red-winged Blackbird A

Redwinged Blackbird B

Ringed-billed gull

Robin A

Robin B

Sandhill crane A

Sandhill crane B


Violet green and barn swallows

Western Meadowlark

White Pelicans

White-crowned Sparrow

White-faced ibis B

Yellow-headed blackbird A

Yellow-headed blackbird B